Brother International Corporation, Brother Industries (U.S.A.), Inc., and Brother Mobile Solutions, Inc, Brother International de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., Brother International Corporation do Brazil, LTDA, Brother International de Chile, Ltda, Brother International Corporation de Argentina S.R.L., Brother International del Peru S.A.C., and Brother International Corporation Canada, (collectively, “Brother”) established its due diligence program to support its ongoing commitment to meet all its legal and compliance obligations. This program is designed to ensure that Brother is in compliance with the anti-bribery/anti-corruption laws enacted in each country where Brother conducts business, the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, legislation enacted in accordance with the OECD United Nations Convention Against Corruption, and in the United States, the United States Anti-kickback Statute, Stark Laws and Federal False Claims Law.
Brother will decide whether to enter into or continue any contractual relationship with you or your Company based in part on the responses to this Questionnaire. If Brother determines that you have provided any false, incomplete or misleading statements, Brother may immediately terminate any contractual relationships with you or your Company or modify such contracts to prohibit any dealing with government customers and take any other action allowed by contract or applicable law.
It is necessary for you to answer each question completely. Please be specific and thorough in your responses. If the information does not fit in the spaces provided in this questionnaire, please use the "Additional Information" tab.
By submitting this questionnaire, your Company represents that it has or will secure whatever legal authority or consent may be necessary for the transfer, processing and use of all personal/business data provided in this questionnaire. In order to verify the information provided by your Company and to conduct background/due diligence investigations on your Company, we may transfer the data your Company provides to our subsidiaries, agents and representatives and to third parties throughout the world, including to countries which may not provide adequate legal protection for personal information. Regardless of the particular laws of the jurisdiction in which the information may be at any particular moment, wherever we or our subsidiaries, agents or representatives collect, use, access, transfer or store the information, it will be treated privately and securely in compliance with relevant data protection laws. In the case of personal data, you must obtain the consent in written form signed by the personal data subject, to the processing of their personal data, including name, address, residence, relationships with government officials, reputation, education, published business and professional media information relating to corruption or criminal activities, and similar personal data from publicly available and legally permissible sources reflecting on the data subject’s reputation. You must provide the consent forms to us via PDF in the form prescribed by local data protection/privacy laws and signed by the personal data subject.
If you agree with the above processing of your or your Company’s business and personal information, please complete and submit the following questionnaire, providing only objective and verifiable information. Additional information regarding our Privacy Policy is located online at: Privacy Statement.